Zeopolis to Cathedral City

Golden ~ Blackhawk & Central City
A z scale model railroad in the Train Depot of Tomball, Texas USA
Mister Dave has added these new photos
“Golden ~ Blackhawk & Central City ”
Hi-Tech tools at the ready and exotic materials in place to be transformed into a Container berth on the “Gulf Coast”
Monroe Stewart is the National Train Show coordinator of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) and a good friend of our crew. He has been working on creation of a model container ship and recently sent us this beautiful ship he created.
I am pleased as Punch with Monroe’s beautiful creation.
It still has some plastic packaging debris on her. For small port and shallow draft waterside industries on the nearby Gulf of Mexico the “Shawnee” fits the bill perfectly. Self contained off and on loading. Service to all size customers. You Betcha.
Now I need to get crackin’ on my new sea side module ! ! ! Bring on the big ones through the new canal locks, we will take it from there.
Thanks again Monroe.
Mister Dave
I will be set up in Texas City on Nov. 5-6 so I would opt to be on the HOME tour for Nov. 12-13.
More information available at http://sanjacmodeltrains.org/FallLayoutTour/Tour.html
Mister Dave
My friends,
I had a fantastic time this past week with our G ~ B & C C CREW AGAIN which has been together for 13 years now, good ones too – eh guys and dolls?
Ed Scullin drove over 500 miles home to Roanoke, Va. today after some medical treatment at the Convention Center on Sunday. He smartly stopped and took a nap midday on the way. All is reportedly okay with him. GET HEALTHY ED!
Judy and Don Avila headed straight to their local Steak & Shake after getting home to Akron , Ohio.
Dora and Garth Hamilton have, by now, pulled into their driveway at Font Hills (Niagara) Ontario, Canada.
Judi G. and I arrived in Shreveport, Louisiana tonight at 822 miles logged today. Only 225 more miles to home in Houston (Spring) , Texas tomorrow. Roads today were in good shape, minimal road work slowdowns.
Our newest crew members, John and Kathryne Buckley from The Woodlands, Texas should have had a nice flight back home this afternoon to the Houston , Texas area.
My oldest friends (& snow ski buddies ) Bob Brown and wife Caroline, were with us for Friday through Sunday as tenured crew members. They drove down to Indy and returned to their home in Commerce, Michigan.
A big thank-you goes to Takashi san Ishikawa (Mister Monday Man), along with his colleague Toru san Kurihara, who took time to celebrate our good fun at these National Train Shows. We also finally got to enjoy the special Japanese “Sweet Treats” on Sunday that Tony-san brought to us.
It has truly been my immense pleasure to continue to share this life with you all. I am blessed.
Cordially Yours,
Mister Dave
President and Senior Maintenance Man
“Golden ~ Blackhawk & Central City”
Four views from our time at Portland National Train Show (NTS) at Portland, Oregon in 2015:
Golden ~ Blackhawk & Central City