These are Rokuhan raw plastic toy, inoperable, street light poles.
I need to have “holding” platforms (Jigs) to stabilize them while I perform alteration work so that I may install micro LEDs in them.
I will test to see if these plaster molds help me to ease the process.
I have been working with my fingers only as I burr out the plastic bulb blob for an LED receptacle and then glue the LED into same to make it stable.
Next, I must carefully glue the lead wires down along the inside of the pole a short length at a time so they are straight.
I also file flat the inside of the pole and the bottom base ridge for easier lead wire gluing.
After all this, I paint the top of the light fixture black to mask off light shining up thru plastic and then paint over the black and the whole pole with a light grey acrylic.

It is a tedious job!
I have made 24 so far and it has taken me too many hours over too many days/weeks to get this far.