The New “Shawnee” Container Ship

First voyage of the Shawnee...
First voyage of the Shawnee…

Monroe Stewart is the National Train Show coordinator of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) and a good friend of our crew.  He has been working on creation of a model container ship and recently sent us this beautiful ship he created.

I am pleased as Punch with Monroe’s  beautiful creation.

Fresh out of the box!
Fresh out of the box!

It still has some plastic packaging debris on her.  For small port and shallow draft waterside industries on the nearby Gulf of Mexico the “Shawnee” fits the bill perfectly. Self contained off and on loading. Service to all size customers. You Betcha.

A view from the stern
A view from the stern

Now I need to get crackin’ on my new sea side module ! ! !   Bring on the big ones through the new canal  locks, we will take it from there.



Thanks again Monroe.

Mister Dave